Many steroids for instance will ‘aromatize’ meaning they become oestrogen – the female hormone. The problem is that all these methods are dangerous and can result in a number of unwanted side effects. Others still will directly stimulate the production of testosterone. Others will aid in protein synthesis, helping the body to get more use from the protein you consume thus aiding in the creation of powerful muscle. In most cases these are synthetic substances (meaning they’re made in the lab) that can bind with the androgen receptors in the body thus mimicking testosterone and telling the body to create more muscle. These work in a variety of ways though they are generally slight variations on the same theme.

Steroids used for cutting and bulking include such substances as Deca Durabolin, Anavar and Trenbolone. Here we will look at how each works in helping your body to burn fat and build muscle and from there you will have all the information necessary to make an informed decision.

This is where it becomes much more useful to use alternatives such as supplements which stimulate muscle growth far more safely and with none of those dangerous side effects. Unfortunately though, steroids also have a number of unwanted side effects and are banned by most competitions. At the same time, steroids will also aid in the repair of muscle tissue leading to more rapid recovery and they will help to boost endurance and focus during workouts.

The reason for that is that they don’t just contribute to muscle building, but also aid with fat burning which makes them suitable for both bulking and cutting and generally complete body recomposition. Bodybuilders can use steroids at any stage during their training.